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Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons

senior director of policy and advocacy at Interfaith Alliance

Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons is senior director of policy and advocacy at Interfaith Alliance and the author of "Just Faith: Reclaiming Progressive Christianity."

Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons is senior director of policy and advocacy at Interfaith Alliance and the author of "Just Faith: Reclaiming Progressive Christianity."

Latest from Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons

3d ago

Why Trump’s attacks on DEI are anti-Christian

The new Trump administration’s focus on attacking diversity, equity and inclusion policies has begun to ensnare Christians.
55d ago

Trump’s angry response to a viral sermon should worry all Christians

Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde challenged challenged Trump's new executive orders harming vulnerable communities, including immigrants and LGBTQ+ Americans.
78d ago

Jimmy Carter embodied what Trump has never been able to grasp about Christianity

During the 1976 presidential campaign, The New York Times ran a front-page story on Jimmy Carter’s Baptist faith.
123d ago

The ungodly motive behind Trump’s ‘school prayer’ pledge

Trump's apparent push for more coercive school prayer is part of his broader campaign to keep his supporters perpetually aggrieved.
239d ago

A potential Trump v. Harris race puts two competing ideas of Christianity on display

The 2024 presidential race juxtaposes two very different versions of Christianity: Donald Trump brandishes Christian nationalism while Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden has endorsed to take his place as the Democratic nominee, practices the Christian faith she was raised in, while embracing her interfaith family.
321d ago

Why United Methodists’ historic vote means so much to gay Christians like me

The United Methodist Church's highest legislative body removed a ban on LGBTQ clergy from its Book of Discipline and has proclaimed support for "all people."
355d ago

Why Biden can't keep his faith quiet

Trump is selling "God Bless USA" Bibles in an Easter week stunt that frustrated Christian leaders — and proved Biden must to talk more about his Catholic faith.
389d ago

'I’m not at church.' Even the GOP is balking at Speaker Mike Johnson's religiosity

During a Republican leadership retreat in Miami, House Speaker Mike Johnson's presentation reportedly “took on a surprisingly religious tone.”
430d ago

There's a seed of truth in the 'God Made Trump' ad. But his acolytes don't see it.

Did God personally make Donald Trump as a gift to America? A new video making the rounds on Twitter and Truth Social twists Christian theology.
451d ago

The drastic Christmas decision that should shock Christians into paying attention

Christian calls for a ceasefire in Israel are growing louder. Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, were canceled due to Gaza bombings.
508d ago

I’ve picked up plenty of Bibles, Mike Johnson. I didn’t see your hate anywhere.

Republican speaker mike Johnson has spared no invective describing the LGBTQ community, claiming same-sex marriage will destroy “the entire democratic system.”
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